Piotr Zawistowski, General Manager, Product Management & Sales, has appointed the addition of Kevin Brennan, Summit Products, Inc. to the SECO/WARWICK group of Independent Sales Representatives

About Summit Products, Inc.
Summit Products, Inc. is a company located in Grand Island, NY that provides new and used vacuum and atmosphere heat treating equipment worldwide for annealing, carburizing, carbonitriding andthrough hardening applications. They provide the industry with industrial ovens, atmosphere and vacuum furnaces, cooling systems, and polymer quenchants as well as alloy baskets/cast trays and graphite/CFC fixtures.
Summit Products, Inc. has provided equipment to the U.S., Canada and worldwide. Projects over the years have included aluminum heat treating, vacuum carburizing, high pressure gas quenching, copper and nickel brazing, bright through-hardening, metal injection molding, FNC, nitriding and annealing.
Kevin Brennan
Summit Products, Inc.
65 Greenside Drive
Grand Island, NY 14072
Phone: 716.867.4312
E-mail: summit@roadrunner.com
Website: heattreatsteel.com/contact.htm