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SECO/WARWICK organizes the world’s first such online event – Heat Treatment 4.0 e-SEMINAR


SECO/WARWICK – the leader in heat treatment and vacuum metallurgy – will hold the industry’s first virtual meeting of international specialists, and will share their knowledge and experience online.


Heat Treatment e-SEMINAR


“The world has moved predominantly online and its population leads parallel lives there: private, work and business. It is in this network that we work, meet, discuss, watch, explore, get to know and learn. Hence the need for e-SEMINAR 4.0 Heat Treatment & Metallurgy,” says Katarzyna Sawka, Global Marketing Director of the SECO/WARWICK Group.

The event organized by SECO/WARWICK is not another webinar, it is not a product promotion, it is not a virtual fair – it is a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience, a meeting of practitioners and scientists, an event perfectly adapted for today’s times.

Thousands of participants from all over the world will meet in safety and comfort without any time or territorial limits. The industry will share knowledge and experience; they will see, hear, read, learn, discuss the business and challenges of heat treatment, and unravel industry secrets.

3 thematic blocks, 3 different points of view

There will be three thematic blocks with three different views on the industry, one each from the point of view of business, maintenance and management, titled: „Business 4.0“, „Daily challenges of heat treatment“, and „Secrets of heat treatment“. To boldly look into the future requires seeing it from different perspectives. This will be possible thanks to sessions held in English taking place in 3 parallel meeting rooms, run and co-hosted by industry and scientific authorities.

e-SEMINAR – virtual meeting of the industry

Big companies and names meet on September 9 on the SECO/WARWICK e-SEMINAR platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences. The virtual meeting is tailored to the capabilities and needs of today’s specialists in the heat treatment and metallurgy industry. By creating the world’s first event of this type, the organizers have taken care of the safety of participants, ensured a TV-quality broadcast of the sessions, and established the opportunity for interaction between participants and speakers.


“The pandemic has shown everyone the great need of our planet, so we decided that a symbolic $1 of each ticket sold will be donated to one of three social organizations: WWF, PETA or Greenpeace. The participants of the event will decide to which of the social giants the collected money will go. SECO is ECO and so are its partners,” concludes Katarzyna Sawka.


The world of heat treatment and metallurgy is now meeting online:


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