Anna Czerniawska
Marketing Specialist
Phone: +48 68 4111 699
Mobile: +48 504 060 700
The Business Heat Treating Conference is an industry event jointly sponsored by New Steel Cult...
The Spring 2025 EGOLF Annual Meeting will take place in Dubai (The United Arab Emirates).
...The 3rd Congress Thermal Process in Brazi is a two-day conference where, SECO/WARWI...
Known worldwide as North America’s most important and largest additive manufacturing event, RA...
The EICF International Conference is organized every year to provide attendees with the latest...
The leading technical conference on powder metallurgy and particulate materials in the America...
Gas Turbine Focus 2025 is an event aimed at creating a comprehensive and deep platform for coo...
The Euro PM2025 Congress & Exhibition, organized and sponsored by the European Powder Meta...
One of the world’s most prestigious events in the global aluminium industry, ALUEXPO 202...