Last year, the „Rzeczpospolita” daily located SECO/WARWICK within the ten Polish firms which are the most innovative companies in the country. The first place in the Lubuskie Province, in the ranking of the Innovative Firms, SECO/WARWICK owes to, amongst others: the outlays for the research and development (PLN 14.232 million in 2014) the high employment level in the R&D division.

Presently, SECO/WARWICK received two nominations for the titles SYMBOL INNOWACYJNOŚCI 2016 (THE INNOVATIVENESS SYMBOL 2016) and POLSKA NAGRODA INNOWACYJNOŚCI 2016 (THE POLISH INNOVATIVENESS PRIZE 2016). „We accept both nominations with an unhidden satisfaction that our work brings good effects and the direction chosen is the right one. We can see also that the investments in the research and development of the new technologies bring measurable effects in the form of the competitive superiority on the demanding markets, we have to compete in” says Katarzyna Sawka, Group Marketing Director at SECO/WARWICK .
This year, SECO/WARWICK have confirmed again their strong position of the innovator. For instance, the Publisher of „Monitor Rynkowy” (The Market Monitor) and „Monitor Biznesu” (The Business Monitor) has nominated the company for the title of SYMBOL INNOWACYJNOŚCI 2016 (THE INNOVATIVENESS SYMBOL 2016). The SYMBOL Program Chapter noticed the activity of the firm and the research/development projects realized, till now, together with the Łódź University of Technology (Politechnika Łódzka) and the Electronic Material Technology Institute (Instytut Technologii Materiałów Elektronicznych), concerning working out special-purpose furnaces for production of grapheme. Both the University of Technologyand the Institutemake use of them already. Particularly promising results have been gained in Łódź, a material possessing almost ideal parameters, the most close, in the world, to the theoretical grapheme have been gained.
SECO/WARWICK cooperate with universities of technology, polytechnic schools, research centers and research institutes around the world. They execute actively the programs of cooperation with the Łódź, Poznań, Warsaw, Silesian Universites of Technology, with ITME (Electronic Material Technology Institute) in Warsaw, Institut für Metallformung TU Bergakademie in Freiberg, Germany, the Central South University in China as well as the National Research Saratov State University in Russia. The intensive cooperation of SECO/WARWICK with numerous technical academies in Poland brings new technologies and real implementations. The Polish technologies are already applied around the world in the form of processes and technical solutions used in the heat treatment processes around the world.
One of measures applied by the SECO/WARWICK company in order to gain profits but, also, the competitive superiority, is the realization of the research/development projects referring to the constructional/technological problems and to those of optimization of processes, with use of the most modern achievements of the science and technology.
Gigantic companies, the potentates on the automotive, air-craft, chemical, nuclear power and any other branch making use of heat treatment processes make use of these modern solutions of SECO/WARWICK .
Therefore, nothing strange is in that SECO/WARWICK were granted by Polska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości (the Polish Enterprise Agency) and by the Editorial Board of Forum Przedsiębiorczości (The Enterprise Forum) in the „Gazeta Prawna” (The Newspaper of Law) Daily and by the Biznes Plus (Business Plus) Editorial Board in „Gazeta Wyborcza” (Election Newspaper), and another nomination for the title of POLSKA NAGRODA INNOWACYJNOŚCI 2016(THE POLISH INNOVATIVENESS PRIZE 2016), for the products of the highest quality and for the most modern technologies implemented by the R&D Division of SECO/WARWICK.
„In SECO/WARWICK, we do not compete with the price but with the most modern technologies for heat treatment, therefrom our investments in research and development result. We owe our power to able and inventive engineers, what provides, to us, bigger chances for a success, not only on the Polish market, but also on the world markets”, resumes Bartosz Klinowski, CEO of SECO/WARWICK Europe.