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Corporate social responsibility

 SECO/WARWICK is a responsible and socially engaged company

Activity in the CSR area was described in the form of a global plan of initiatives presenting the vision of SECO/WARWICK’s activities in the area of the Group’s (current and future) social responsibility.  We would like it to become an independent action, in line with the Group’s mission and vision, because we know that the company’s business and social objectives should complement each other. 
The adopted CSR activities closely match the company’s values and have been included in three program areas, which combine and permeate in our activities, creating a strong and coherent strategy of social activities. 



Care for the environment and the planet means responsibility for our actions affecting the natural environment now as well as their effects in the future. It is our duty to the planet and generations. So we plant trees, clean forests and care for environmentally friendly production as well as pro-ecological solutions and products which we offer. SECO is ECO, it not only rhymes well, it fits together perfectly!


Investing in the future, in the next generations can be implemented in different ways. We focus on the education of children and youth. Through activities directly related to our solutions and products, educating future specialists, with the hope that they will become part of SECO/FAMILY.


We focus our social care activities by taking care of the local community as well as employees and their families. Together with our partners we carry out activities improving living and health conditions, support local initiatives for safety or strengthening interpersonal relations.

CSR activities

We Play with WOŚP in One Team!

We Play with WOŚP in One Team!

Once again, we performed a beautiful concert with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP). Our activities were versatile – we combined employee, team, and company efforts,  accomplishing impressive results!

This year, we broke the record again, and the amount collected is truly impressive. For the third time, we invited colleagues from sister companies to join us in playing together. The company e-Piggy Bank heated up with virtual money flowing in from all over the world. The piggy bank was also on social media, allowing our clients and partners to make donations, bringing in a total of 4,753 PLN.

Traditionally, the two piggy banks marched with the SECO/CSR team through corridors, offices, and halls, collecting 2,902.59 PLN. The company CSR fund increased the e-Piggy Bank contribution by an additional 4,400 PLN, which went directly to the WOŚP account.

In total, we collected 12,055.59 PLN! Every year we break our own records! The playing was full of commitment and sensitivity from employees and friends. With such a well-coordinated team, the Orchestra will succeed until the end of the world and one day longer!

We played a beautiful concert with the Great Orchestra of Christmas SECO/WARWICK

We played a beautiful concert with the Great Orchestra of Christmas

We were active in various ways, combining employee, team and corporate forces, and it was worth it!

We set a record and the amount of money raised is impressive!

  • For the second time, we invited our colleagues and sister companies to play together.
  • The e-piggy bank heated up with virtual money flowing from all over the world.
  • This year, the piggy bank appeared on the company’s social media, so our customers and partners could also make payments, which gave us the total of -> PLN 4,176.
  • We followed tradition and the piggy bank marched on with the SECO/CSR team around the corridor, offices and halls and was filled to the brim with an amount totaling PLN 2,168.07.
  • SECO/BIKE and SECO/RUN worked hard in sports challenges and will contribute PLN 1,200 to WOŚP.
  • The company’s CSR fund multiplied the e-piggy bank contribution – hence an additional PLN 4,176 landed on the WOŚP account.

And this is how we collected PLN 11,720.07!! That’s almost twice as much as in 2023!

It was the SECO/WARWICK Orchestra playing for the good and sensitive hearts of everyone in SECO/WARWICK and its friends! With such well-coordinated musicians, the Orchestra will be successful until the end of the world, and one day longer!

Noble Gift - 2024

Noble Gift - 2024

For the fourth time, we have shown how big our hearts are!

We joined the “Weekend of Miracles” in a masterful style, delivering a surprise to the Family we chose. We performed our miracle in three stages:

  1. Firewood – we purchased firewood thanks to funds collected by the production employees.
  2. Household appliances— from the company budget (allocated for CSR activities), we fulfilled the Family’s dream of a washing machine by upgrading it to a washer-dryer. Additionally, we provided many other essential appliances beyond the wish list.
  3. Transport full of surprises – over 20 packages of various sizes (often large) and shapes, filled by company employees with food products, clothing, toys and surprises for children, vouchers, household chemicals, and cosmetics.

It was a happy Friday, December 13th, for the gifted family. According to the Noble Gift   volunteer, the surprise and emotion were immense, and our hearts rejoice because the joint effort of employees and the company created true holiday magic for someone in need of a miracle.

Cleaning the World in Łagów - 2024

Cleaning the World in Łagów - 2024

For several years now, the SECO/CSR group and friends have been cleaning up areas near the company’s headquarters. This year, in June, we took care of the cleanliness of the forest surrounding the lake in Łagów. Thanks to our joint efforts, we left the area clean and tidy.

We have many opportunities, both large and small to protect our planet, so we encourage you to follow such actions during your daily walks.

We believe that small steps taken by each person can lead to significant changes. Join us and let’s take care of the planet together!

Fields of Hope – Together We Support the Hospice

Fields of Hope – Together We Support the Hospice

On a sunny Friday afternoon, in the September sun, we planted over 200 daffodil bulbs on the lawn in front of the office building on Zachodnia Street. This is yet another company initiative aimed not only at beautifying the area but, above all, at supporting local charitable initiatives.

The funds collected from the sale of the bulbs will be donated to the Lady Ryder of Warsaw Hospice in Zielona Góra. SECO/WARWICK will additionally contribute funds from the CSR budget to increase support for the hospice.

This initiative is part of the company’s broader CSR strategy, which includes both pro-ecological and social activities. Thanks to such actions, SECO/WARWICK cares for the environment and actively supports the local community. In spring, the effects of this work will be visible in the form of blooming daffodils, which will beautify the area around the office building, pleasing the eyes of residents and students.

Together for the Earth – We’ve Planted 13,000 Trees!

Together for the Earth – We’ve Planted 13,000 Trees!

Once again, we have proven that commitment to ecology is not just empty words. There are plenty of hands ready to work and change the world. Thanks to this, during the fourth forest planting campaign, we planted over 3,000 pine trees in our area, which gives a total of over 13,000 trees! And all this thanks to the employees’ commitment who started working with passion and determination under the supervision of foresters from the Świebodzin Forest District.

Each stage of planting was carefully thought out – from the correct roots’ arrangement to the appropriate distance between seedlings. The SECO/ECO Team not only worked hard, but also integrated while planning the next campaign, during which we intend to plant (this time) 4,000 trees.

We help children with autism spectrum disorders

We help children with autism spectrum disorders

For the third time, we have combined a customer satisfaction survey, aimed at improving the quality of products and services offered by our Group (CUSTOMER FEEDBACK LOOP), with activities in the corporate social responsibility area.

How? Well, each completed survey is worth $10, which we donate to help autistic children, specifically those under the care of the MADA Foundation.

The more surveys we collect (and we would like to thank you for the results so far), the more financial support we can provide.

That’s why we encourage you to activate the #helpingbyfilling mode!

Why is this important to us?

/ Because business really has a  heart.

/ Because we strive to be better by helping.

/ Because we value our partner’s opinions.

/ Because feedback develops us, the company, and the products.

Szlachetna paczka od SECO/WARWICK

Noble Gift

​Cooperation with the Noble Gift and preparing gifts for families from the company’s close surroundings is an ongoing activity in which employees are enthusiastically involved. And it is this active cooperation between departments that constitutes the basis for activities within responsible business.

The result of the 2023 campaign was -> 10 boxes full of gifts from the wish list of the selected family. The “Noble Family” also received numerous additional shopping vouchers for other needs and pleasures, sponsored by employees. Household appliances, indicated by the family as necessary, were purchased from the company’s CSR fund.

And so, on the December weekend of miracles, we delivered gifts and with them joy and emotion for those in need.

forest planting 2023 a CSR activity

Forest planting 2023

At SECO/WARWICK, we’re more than just a company; we’re a force for positive change in our environment. Our commitment to eco-consciousness isn’t just lip service – it’s evident in the multitude of eager hands ready to work.

For the third time, we’ve put our hands to work, enhancing the local forest with a whopping 3000 trees. Our dedication extends beyond providing eco-friendly heat treatment and metallurgical processing solutions; it encompasses eco-friendly initiatives as well.

We believe in taking care of our local environment because a healthier planet starts right in our backyard. Together, we make the world a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable place!

Postęp w zielonej technologii nawęglania próżniowego LPC/LPCN/PreNit

Give a Helping Hand to a Compatriot in Ukraine

Local cooperation with the Noble Gift Leader and the ArsFamilia Association of Świebodzin Families resulted in joint support for Poles in Ukraine. As part of the Give a Helping Hand to a Compatriot campaign, we handed over food donated by our employees to Poles living in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region. We also collected money, which was donated to help compatriots.

Добровольная Пожарная Команда Мостки - электронный мусор

Volunteer Fire Brigade from Mostki – electro-waste

We help nature and people in various ways, while promoting S(ECO) behavior. This prompted the CSR Group to accept the invitation to collect garbage together. 

But not just any kind, only electro😊. 

We joined the collection of e-waste to support the local Fire Brigade activities. We have collected redundant, old, useless, household electrical devices (small and large), which must not be thrown into the ordinary garbage. We donated the electro-collection to the Volunteer Fire Brigade, collecting funds for the unit’s budget. Remember, they are also socially active. 

This is how our S(ECO) attitudes help protect the environment and ensure others safety.

W poszukiwaniu doskonałych stopów, aplikacje metalurgii próżniowej szczególnie tytanu i proszkowej technologii np. dla MIM

We help all the people, including the single ones

How? Collecting caps can be a huge financial support, because they can be monetized. So are used batteries. Both materials, which are a valuable source of secondary raw materials, can be patrons of someone’s health and happiness. 

That is why we collected in our homes and in our company: caps and batteries, which we gave to one of the local residents so that she could help her sick daughter. This is how SECO/WARWICK got “nuts” and recharged the aid batteries. 

We like such actions!  

Topowe i znaczące wdrożenia technologiczne Grupy SECO/WARWICK

We played a beautiful concert with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

We were active in various ways, we combined employee, team and company forces and we have the effect!

We set a record, because the amount collected is 4x higher than last year! How did we do it? 

  • This time we invited all of our sister companies to play together.  
  • The e-Piggy bank was heated with virtual money flowing from all over the world.  
  • This year, the piggy bank appeared as well on our social media, so our customers and partners could also make payments, which gave a total of PLN 2,296  
  • We followed tradition and the piggy bank marched with the SECO/CSR team along the corridor, offices, halls and was filled to the brim with the amount of PLN 1,061.41  
  • SECO/BIKE and SECO/RUN sweated for 4.5 hours and thus will support the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity with PLN 1,200  
  • The company’s CSR fund multiplied the employees financial contribution – hence the additional PLN 2,296 

And this is how we collected PLN 6,853.41 together!! 

It was playing the SECO/WARWICK Orchestra with good and sensitive hearts! 

With such harmonious musicians as US, the Orchestra will be successful until the end of the world and one day longer! 

Уборка Мира Вилково

Cleaning up the world in Wilkowo

We actively and usefully celebrate the Earth Day. The SECO/CSR Group and friends every year on this occasion clean up the company’s surroundings, leaving clean forest or park areas.  

We only have one Earth, one beautiful neighborhood, one Earth Day (April 22), but each of us has many opportunities to protect it. That is why we encourage to copy activities during integrations or daily walks. 

This is our S(ECO) attitude 

Мы помогаем детям в спектре аутизма.

We help children within the autism spectrum

As part of CSR activities, and in conjunction with the CUSTOMER FEEDBACK LOOP project (which aims to improve the quality of products and services offered by the Group), we are helping children for the second time. 

How is it possible? 

Each survey completed as part of the project is worth $ 10, which we donate to help autistic children – specifically the beneficiaries of MADA foundation.  

We are glad that this year the amount was PLN 1,000 higher than previous year! And so, we donated as much as PLN 3,500 for statutory activities so that children within the autism spectrum have a better life.  

And this is thanks to more completed surveys! 

The more surveys we collect (thank you for the results so far and we ask for more), the more financial support we will give! So we turn #help by filling mode on. 🙂 

And why is it important? 

  • Because business has a heart 
  • Because we want to be better (by helping) 
  • Because we listen to our partners 
  • Because feedback develops us, the company and products 

Show your heart by liking this initiative under today’s post on our social media. 

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