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/e-Seminar 4.0 Heat Treatment & Metallurgy
/Secret of heat treatment technologies

/Optimizing Processing Service Performance


Optimizing Processing Service Performance

Optimizing Processing Service Performance

Host: Adam Adamek
Prelegents: Prof. Ph.D Eng. Piotr Kula
The subject will be covered by an academic lecturer and practitioner in one person – prof. Piotr KULA, who for many years, apart from educating students, has been very close to the world of science and industry.

Maybe you deal with heat treatment on a daily basis, or maybe you are an engineer for whom heat treatment is “black magic”?
By joining the lecture, you will learn about the things that are the foundations of engineering knowledge in the field of heat treatment.
Things that are good to keep in mind even if you have a lot of experience in the field of heat treatment.
Keeping the title of this block in mind (Secrets of heat treatment technologies), the rest of the details are secret.


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