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Move Over Mesh Belt – The New, Most Cost-Effective Way to Heat Treat Small Parts In House

Whether you currently outsource most or all of your small part heat treating or whether you currently do your small part heat treating in-house on a belt furnace, this webinar will be of interest to you. Learn about one of the most cost effective, metallurgically consistent ways to do your own small part heat treating for what will most likely be a fraction of your current cost. A new rotary retort furnace can be the most efficient way you can take control of your small part heat treating. This webinar will explain the verifiable advantages of using a rotary retort furnace and show you how to calculate whether or not this equipment is right for you.

In this webinar, you will learn:

/ Why a rotary retort may be more efficient than your current mesh belt furnace.
/ How bringing small part heat treating in-house may be very profitable.
/ The reasons rotary retort heat treating is superior metallurgically to mesh belt heat treating.

Ways to calculate whether or not rotary retort heat treating will make sense for you.

START DATE: 11/15/2018

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