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Corporate Governance



RB_2024_813-Jun-2024 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of total voting rights at the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on June 13 2024
RB_2024_713-Jun-2024 Resolutions adopted by the General Meeting on June 13 2024
RB_2024_613-Jun-2024 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment.
RB_2024_516-May-2024 Text of draft resolutions for the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for June 13 2024
RB_2024_416-May-2024 Notice of the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on June 13 2024
Opinia_202316-May-2024 Assessment of the Salary Report_2023
Formularz 1_06.202416-May-2024 PROXY VOTING FORM 06.2024
oświadczenie_06.202416-May-2024 INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 06.2024
oświadczenie2_06.202416-May-2024 Statement on the processing of personal data 06.2024
Formularz 2_06.202416-May-2024 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 06.2024
Formularz 3_06.202416-May-2024 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 06.2024
Uchwała RN 3-202416-May-2024 Review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements and the Directors’ Report of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2023
Uchwała RN 4-202416-May-2024 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements and the Directors’ Report of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2023
Uchwała RN 9-202416-May-2024 Allocation of the net profit of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2023
Uchwała RN 10-202416-May-2024 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on June 13 2024
RB_2024_0324-Apr-2024 Recommendation of the Management Board of SECO / WARWICK S.A. together with the opinion of the Supervisory Board on the distribution of the net profit for the year 2023 and dividend payment for the year 2023


RB_2023_807-Jun-2023 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of total voting rights at the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on June 7 2023
RB_2023_707-Jun-2023 Resolutions adopted by the General Meeting on June 7 2023
RB_2023_607-Jun-2023 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment.
RB_2023_511-May-2023 Text of draft resolutions for the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for June 7 2023
RB_2023_411-May-2023 Notice of the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on June 7 2023
Opinia_202211-May-2023 Assessment of the Salary Report_2022
Formularz 1_06.202311-May-2023 PROXY VOTING FORM 06.2023
oświadczenie_06.202311-May-2023 INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 06.2023
oświadczenie2_06.202311-May-2023 Statement on the processing of personal data 06.2023
Formularz 2_06.202311-May-2023 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 06.2023
Formularz 3_06.202311-May-2023 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 06.2023
Uchwała RN 3-202311-May-2023 Review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements and the Directors’ Report of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2022
Uchwała RN 4-202311-May-2023 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements and the Directors’ Report of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2022
Uchwała RN 10-202311-May-2023 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on June 7 2023
RB_2022_0327-Apr-2023 Recommendation of the Management Board of SECO / WARWICK S.A. together with the opinion of the Supervisory Board on the distribution of the net profit for the year 2022 and dividend payment for the year 2022


RB_2022_1025-May-2022 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of total voting rights at the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on May 25 2022
RB_2022_925-May-2022 Appointment of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board
RB_2022_825-May-2022 Resolutions adopted by the General Meeting on May 25 2022
RB_2022_725-May-2022 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment.
RB_2022_620-May-2022 Notification of candidates to the Supervisory Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A.
RB_2022_519-May-2022 Notification of candidates to the Supervisory Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A.
RB_2022_429-Apr-2022 Text of draft resolutions for the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for May 25 2022
RB_2022_329-Apr-2022 Notice of the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on May 25 2022
Opinia_202129-Apr-2022 Assessment of the Salary Report_2021
Formularz 1_05.202229-Apr-2022 PROXY VOTING FORM 05.2022
oświadczenie_05.202229-Apr-2022 INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 05.2022
oświadczenie2_05.202229-Apr-2022 statement on the processing of personal data 05.2022
Formularz 2_05.202229-Apr-2022 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 05.2022
Formularz 3_05.202229-Apr-2022 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 05.2022
Uchwała RN 3-202229-Apr-2022 review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements and the Directors’ Report of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2021
Uchwała RN 4-202229-Apr-2022 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements and the Directors’ Report of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2021
Uchwała RN 5-202229-Apr-2022 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2021
Uchwała RN 9-202229-Apr-2022 Allocation of the net profit of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2021
Uchwała RN 10-202229-Apr-2022 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on May 25 2022
RB_2022_322-Apr-2022 Recommendation of the Management Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A. together with the opinion of the Supervisory Board on the distribution of net profit for 2021 and the payment of dividends for 2021


RS/202131-Dec-2021 Consolidated annual report for 2021
RS/202131-Dec-2021 Directors' report for on the SECO/WARWICK GROUP 2021
R/202131-Dec-2021 Individual annual report for 2021
R/202131-Dec-2021 Directors' report SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2021
Opinia SSF_202131-Dec-2021 Sprawozdanie z badania SSF
Opinia JSF_202131-Dec-2021 Sprawozdanie z badania JSF


RB_2021_0811-Jun-2021 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of total voting rights at the General Meeting held on June 10 2021
RB_2021_710-Jun-2021 Resolutions adopted by the General Meeting on June 10 2021
RB_2021_610-Jun-2021 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment.
RB_2021_513-May-2021 Text of draft resolutions for the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for June 10 2021
RB_2021_413-May-2021 Notice of the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on June 10 2021
Formularz 1_06.202113-May-2021 PROXY VOTING FORM 06.2021
oświadczenie_06.202113-May-2021 INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 06.2021
oświadczenie2_06.202113-May-2021 statement on the processing of personal data 06.2021
Formularz 2_06.202113-May-2021 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 06.2021
Formularz 3_06.202113-May-2021 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 06.2021
Uchwała RN 3-202113-May-2021 review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements and the Directors’ Report of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2020
Uchwała RN 5-202113-May-2021 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2020
Uchwała RN 9-202113-May-2021 Allocation of the net profit of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2020
Uchwała RN 10-202113-May-2021 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on June 10 2021
Uchwała RN 4-202113-May-2021 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements and the Directors’ Report of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2020
Opinia13-May-2021 Assessment of the Salary Report


RB_2020_1408-Jun-2020 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of total voting rights at the General Meeting held on June 5 2020
RB_2020_1305-Jun-2020 Resolutions adopted by the General Meeting on June 5 2020
RB_2020_1208-May-2020 Text of draft resolutions for the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for June 05 2020
RB_2020_1108-May-2020 Notice of the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on June 5 2020
Formularz 1_06.202008-May-2020 PROXY VOTING FORM 06.2020
oświadczenie_06.202008-May-2020 INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 06.2020
oświadczenie2_06.202008-May-2020 statement on the processing of personal data 06.2020
Formularz 2_06.202008-May-2020 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 06.2020
Formularz 3_06.202008-May-2020 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 06.2020
Uchwała RN 3-202008-May-2020 review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements and the Directors’ Report of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2019
Uchwała RN 4-202008-May-2020 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements and the Directors’ Report of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2019
Uchwała RN 5-202008-May-2020 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2019
Uchwała RN 6-202008-May-2020 Assessment of the standing of SECO/WARWICK Spółka Akcyjna in the reporting period January 1st–December 31st 2019, including assessment of the internal control and risk management systems
Uchwała RN 7-202008-May-2020 Assessment of the Company’s fulfilment of the disclosure requirements relating to compliance with corporate governance standards as set forth in the Stock Exchange Rules and the regulations on current and periodic information
Uchwała RN 8-202008-May-2020 Assessment of the reasonability of the Company’s policy for sponsorship and charitable activities and activities of a similar nature, or information on the absence of such policy
Uchwała RN 9-202008-May-2020 Allocation of the net profit of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2019
Uchwała RN 10-202008-May-2020 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on June 5th 2020


RB_2019_1305-Jun-2019 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of total voting rights at the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on June 5 2019
RB_2019_1205-Jun-2019 Resolutions adopted by the General Meeting on June 5 2019
RB_2019_1005-Jun-2019 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment.
RB_2019_0905-Jun-2019 Approval of the implementation of the annual targets of the Beneficiaries of the Incentive Scheme in 2018 and the adoption of the application for the GM with a recommendation to amend the Regulations of the Incentive Scheme
RB_2019_0831-May-2019 Draft resolution submitted by the shareholder at the General Meeting convened for June 5th 2019
RB_2019_0609-May-2019 Text of draft resolutions for the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for June 5th 2019
RB_2019_0509-May-2019 Notice of the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on June 5th 2019
Formularz 1_06.201909-May-2019 PROXY VOTING FORM 06.2019
oświadczenie_06.201909-May-2019 INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 06.2019
oświadczenie2_06.201909-May-2019 statement on the processing of personal data 06.2019
Formularz 2_06.201909-May-2019 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 06.2019
Formularz 3_06.201909-May-2019 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 06.2019
Uchwała RN 3-201909-May-2019 review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements and the Directors’ Report of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2018
Uchwała RN 4-201909-May-2019 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements and the Directors’ Report of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2018
Uchwała RN 5-201909-May-2019 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2018
Uchwała RN 6-201909-May-2019 Assessment of the standing of SECO/WARWICK Spółka Akcyjna in the reporting period January 1st–December 31st 2018, including assessment of the internal control and risk management systems
Uchwała RN 7-201909-May-2019 Assessment of the Company’s fulfilment of the disclosure requirements relating to compliance with corporate governance standards as set forth in the Stock Exchange Rules and the regulations on current and periodic information
Uchwała RN 8-201909-May-2019 Assessment of the reasonability of the Company’s policy for sponsorship and charitable activities and activities of a similar nature, or information on the absence of such policy
Uchwała RN 9-201909-May-2019 Allocation of the net profit of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2018 and the payment of dividends to shareholders
Uchwała RN 10-201909-May-2019 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on June 5th 2019


RB_2018_1829-May-2018 Resolutions adopted by the General Meeting on May 29 2018
RB_2018_1627-Apr-2018 Text of draft resolutions for the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for May 29th 2018
RB_2018_1527-Apr-2018 Notice of the General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on May 29th 2018
oświadczenie_05.201827-Apr-2018 INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS 05.2018
Formularz 127-Apr-2018 PROXY VOTING FORM 05.2018
Formularz 227-Apr-2018 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 05.2018
Formularz 327-Apr-2018 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 05.2018
Uchwała RN 3-05.201827-Apr-2018 review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2017
Uchwała RN 4-05.201827-Apr-2018 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on SECO/WARWICK S.A.’s operations in the financial year 2017
Uchwała RN 5-05.201827-Apr-2018 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2017
Uchwała RN 6-05.201827-Apr-2018 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on the SECO/WARWICK Group’s operations in the financial year 2017
Uchwała RN 7-05.201827-Apr-2018 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2017
Uchwała RN 8-05.201827-Apr-2018 Assessment of the standing of SECO/WARWICK Spółka Akcyjna in the reporting period January 1st–December 31st 2017, including assessment of the internal control and risk management systems
Uchwała RN 9-05.201827-Apr-2018 Assessment of the Company’s fulfilment of the disclosure requirements relating to compliance with corporate governance standards as set forth in the Stock Exchange Rules and the regulations on current and periodic information
Uchwała RN 10-05.201827-Apr-2018 Assessment of the reasonability of the Company’s policy for sponsorship and charitable activities and activities of a similar nature, or information on the absence of such policy
Uchwała RN 11-05.201827-Apr-2018 Allocation of the net profit of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2017
Uchwała RN 12-05.201827-Apr-2018 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on May 29th 2018


RB_2017_1426-May-2017 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of the total vote at the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on May 26th 2017
RB_2017_1326-May-2017 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment
RB_2017_1226-May-2017 Resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting on May 26th 2017
RB_2017_0927-Apr-2017 Text of draft resolutions for the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for May 26th 2017
RB_2017_0827-Apr-2017 Notice of the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on May 26th 2017
RN_2017_0727-Apr-2017 Assessment of the Company’s fulfilment of the disclosure requirements relating to compliance with corporate governance standards as set forth in the Stock Exchange Rules and the regulations on current and periodic information
RN_2017_0827-Apr-2017 Assessment of the reasonability of the Company’s policy for sponsorship and charitable activities and activities of a similar nature, or information on the absence of such policy
RN_2017_0627-Apr-2017 Assessment of the standing of SECO/WARWICK Spółka Akcyjna in the reporting period January 1st–December 31st 2016, including assessment of the internal control and risk management systems
RN_2017_0927-Apr-2017 Coverage of the net loss of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2016 and the payment of dividends to shareholders
RN_2017_1027-Apr-2017 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on May 26th 2017
Formularz 227-Apr-2017 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 2017
Formularz 327-Apr-2017 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 2017
Formularz 127-Apr-2017 PROXY VOTING FORM 2017
RN_2017_0527-Apr-2017 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2016
RN_2017_0327-Apr-2017 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2016
RN_2017_0227-Apr-2017 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on SECO/WARWICK S.A.’s operations in the financial year 2016
RN_2017_0427-Apr-2017 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on the SECO/WARWICK Group’s operations in the financial year 2016
RN_2017_0127-Apr-2017 Review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2016


Formularz 125-May-2016 PROXY VOTING FORM 2016
Formularz 225-May-2016 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons 2016
Formularz 325-May-2016 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons 2016
RN_2016_0125-May-2016 Review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2015
RN_2016_0225-May-2016 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on SECO/WARWICK S.A.’s operations in the financial year 2015
RN_2016_0325-May-2016 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2015
RN_2016_0425-May-2016 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on the SECO/WARWICK Group’s operations in the financial year 2015
RN_2016_0525-May-2016 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2015
RN_2016_0625-May-2016 Assessment of the standing of SECO/WARWICK Spółka Akcyjna in the reporting period January 1st–December 31st 2015, including assessment of the internal control and risk management systems
RN_2016_0725-May-2016 Assessment of the Company’s fulfilment of the disclosure requirements relating to compliance with corporate governance standards as set forth in the Stock Exchange Rules and the regulations on current and periodic information
RN_2016_0825-May-2016 Assessment of the reasonability of the Company’s policy for sponsorship and charitable activities and activities of a similar nature, or information on the absence of such policy
RN_2016_1025-May-2016 Coverage of the net loss of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2015
RN_2016_1125-May-2016 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on June 24th 2016
RB_2016_2224-Jun-2016 Changes in Supervisory Board
RB_2016_2124-Jun-2016 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of the total vote at the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on June 24th 2016
RB_2016_2024-Jun-2016 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment.
RB_2016_1924-Jun-2016 Resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting on June 24th 2016
RB_2016_1825-May-2016 Text of draft resolutions for the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for June 24th 2016
RB_2016_1725-May-2016 Notice of the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. to be held on June 24th 2016


RB_2015_2627-May-2015 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of the total vote at the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on May 26th 2015
RB_2015_2727-May-2015 Removal and appointment of Supervisory Staff
RB_2015_2526-May-2015 Resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting on May 26th 2015
RB_2015_2411-May-2015 Nomination of candidate to the Supervisory Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A.
RB_2015_2229-Apr-2015 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for May 26th 2015
RB_2015_2329-Apr-2015 Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for May 26th 2015
Formularz 129-Apr-2015 PROXY VOTING FORM
Formularz 229-Apr-2015 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons
Formularz 329-Apr-2015 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons
RN_2015_0129-Apr-2015 Review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2014
RN_2015_0229-Apr-2015 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on SECO/WARWICK S.A.’s operations in the financial year 2014
RN_2015_0329-Apr-2015 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2014
RN_2015_0429-Apr-2015 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on the SECO/WARWICK Group’s operations in the financial year 2014
RN_2014_0529-Apr-2015 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2014
RN_2015_0629-Apr-2015 Assessment of the standing of SECO/WARWICK Spółka Akcyjna in the reporting period January 1st–December 31st 2014, including assessment of the internal control and risk management systems
RN_2015_0729-Apr-2015 Coverage of the net loss of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2014
RN_2015_0829-Apr-2015 Examination of and opinion on matters which are to be decided by resolutions of the Company’s General Meeting to be held on May 26th 2015


RB_2014_2130-May-2014 Resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting on May 30th 2014
RB_2014_2230-May-2014 Adoption by the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of a resolution on dividend payment.
RB_2014_2330-May-2014 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of the total vote at the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on May 30th 2014.
RB_2014_1630-Apr-2014 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for May 30th 2014
RB_2014_1730-Apr-2014 Draft resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. convened for May 30th 2014
Formularz 130-Apr-2014 PROXY VOTING FORM
Formularz 230-Apr-2014 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders being natural persons
Formularz 330-Apr-2014 POWERS OF PROXY – shareholders other than natural persons
RN_2014_0130-Apr-2014 Review of and providing opinion on the separate financial statements of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for the financial year 2013
RN_2014_0230-Apr-2014 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on SECO/WARWICK S.A.’s operations in the financial year 2013
RN_2014_0330-Apr-2014 Review of and providing opinion on the consolidated financial statements of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2013
RN_2014_0430-Apr-2014 Review of and providing opinion on the Directors’ Report on the SECO/WARWICK Group’s operations in the financial year 2013
RN_2014_0530-Apr-2014 Review and approval of the report of the SECO/WARWICK S.A. Supervisory Board on its activities in 2013
RN_2014_0630-Apr-2014 Assessment of the standing of SECO/WARWICK SA in the reporting period January 1st–December 31st 2013, including assessment of the internal control and risk management systems
RN_2014_0730-Apr-2014 Distribution of profit of SECO/WARWICK S.A. for 2013
RN_2014_0830-Apr-2014 Review of and providing opinions on matters to be addressed in resolutions of the General Meeting on 30th May 2014


RB_2013_1824-May-2013 Resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting on May 24th 2013
RB_2013_1924-May-2013 List of shareholders holding 5% or more of the total vote at the Annual General Meeting of SECO/WARWICK S.A. held on May 24th 2013.
Formularz 226-Apr-2013 Power of attorney for the individual
Formularz 326-Apr-2013 The power of attorney for legal persons
RB_2013_1126-Apr-2013 Convening General Meeting of Stockholders SECO / WARWICK SA on day 24 May 2013.
RB_2013_1226-Apr-2013 Draft Resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of SECO / WARWICK SA to be held on May 24, 2013 r
RN_2013_0126-Apr-2013 Examination and opinion of the Unconsolidated Financial Statements SECO / WARWICK SA for the year 2012
RN_2013_0226-Apr-2013 Examination and opinion of the Management Report of SECO / WARWICK SA for the year 2012
RN_2013_0326-Apr-2013 Review and opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements SECO / WARWICK Group for the year 2012.
RN_2013_0426-Apr-2013 Review and opinion on the Management Report on the operations of the SECO / WARWICK Group for the year 2012
RN_2013_0526-Apr-2013 Consideration and approval of the Report of the Supervisory Board SECO / WARWICK SA for the year 2012.
RN_2013_0626-Apr-2013 Assessment of the situation of SECO / WARWICK SA for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 including an evaluation of the internal control and risk management system.
RN_2013_0726-Apr-2013 Review and opinion on matters subject to resolutions of the General Meeting on May 24, 2013


11-Mar-2025 General Meeting Bylaws






Auditor rotation rule

Acting in compliance with the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, we report that the choice of a qualified audit firm to audit the financial statements of SECO/WARWICK S.A. and the financial statements of the SECO/WARWICK Group rests within the scope of powers of the Company’s Supervisory Board, as provided for in the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board and the Company’s Articles of Association. Accordingly, the Supervisory Board is responsible for selecting a provider of financial review services, including qualified auditor services, to audit the consolidated and separate financial statements.

A contract with the selected audit firm qualified to audit financial statements, which defines the scope of the assignment and terms of cooperation, is executed by the Company’s Management Board.

The qualified audit firm selected by the Supervisory Board to audit the separate financial statements of SECO/WARWICK S.A. and the consolidated financial statements of the SECO/WARWICK Group for the financial year 2018, 2019 and 2020 is Ernst & Young Audit Polska Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. with its registered office at ul. Rondo ONZ in Warsaw, Poland.





Diversity policy for the Company’s governing bodies and its key managers

The aim of diversity management at SECO/WARWICK S.A. is to create a workplace where each employee feels respected and valued, and where they can fully realize their potential, adding to the Company’s success.

The Company ensures equal access to professional development and promotion opportunities for its employees, irrespective of the color of their skin, religion, gender, age, nationality, citizenship, marital status, number of children, political beliefs, disability or any other legally protected status.

Decisions on hiring new staff and electing members of the Management and Supervisory Boards are made based on objective criteria. SECO/WARWICK S.A. strives to ensure versatility and diversity of the Company’s governing bodies, especially with respect to gender, educational background, age, and professional experience. Candidates for particular positions are selected based on their high qualifications, professionalism, and competence.

The diversity policy aims to prevent discrimination at work and to build corporate culture open for staff diversity, which in turn helps build market position and competitive advantage.

Gender balance on corporate boards

Acting in compliance with the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies, we report that in the past two years the male-female ratio on the Company’s Management Board and Supervisory Board was as follows: men – 100%, women – 0%.



Piotr Walasek

Chief Financial Officer, Member Of The Board


Katarzyna Mucha

Investor Relations - CC Group Sp. z o. o.


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