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/Supervisory Board in Brief



Andrzej Zawistowski secowarwick

Andrzej Zawistowski

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mr Zawistowski is a graduate of Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska of Zielona Góra. In 1970–1984, he was Unit Manager at Lubuskie Zakłady Termotechniczne Elterma S.A. In 1984–1986, he held the position of Head of Maintenance Division at Inter-Vac of Warsaw. In 1986–1991, he was co-owner and director at TransVac s.c. of Świebodzin. In 1996–2005, he was shareholder and President of the Management Board of HTC Nitrex of Częstochowa. In 1991, he became co-owner of SECO/WARWICK Sp. z o.o. where, until February 1st 2007, he held the position of President of the Management Board. On March 1st 2007, he was appointed as Strategy Director at SECO/WARWICK S.A. He was Vice-President of the Management Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A. from February 2007 to May 25th 2012.

Maciej Karnicki wiceprzewodniczący Rady Nadzorczej

Maciej Karnicki


He graduated from the Dresden University of Technology. He also obtained an MBA diploma of the Poznań University of Economics and Business as well as Georgia State University. He has been engaged with SECO/WARWICK as a sales representative for 2 years. He was engaged with Swiss Krono Group from 1994 to 2021 where he was the Sales and Marketing Director from 2000 to 2006. He was also a Member of the Management Board of Swiss Krono Poland (2004-2021) and the President of the Management Board of Swiss Krono Poland (2006-2021) as well as a member of the Management Board of the Krono Group (2006-2016) and the President of the Swiss Krono Group (2009-2016).

Jeffrey Boswell secowarwick

Jeffrey Boswell

Supervisory Board Member

Jeffrey Boswell is a graduate of Gannon University. In 1978-1983, he was project engineer at Sunbeam Equipment Corp. (transformed into SECO/WARWICK Corp. in 1984). From 1984 to 1986, Jeffrey Boswell continued as project engineer, from 1987 to 1989 he held the position of product manager, and in 1989 he was appointed Vice-President of SECO/WARWICK Corp. in charge of sales. Mr Boswell has served on the management board of Industrial Heating Equipment Association for twelve years, first as President and now as Member. In addition, he has been a Member of the Management Board of Cupro Braze Alliance for eight years. Since 2005, he has held the position of President of the Seco/Warwick Corp.'s Management Board and from February 1st 2007 to March 1st 2009 he was President of the Management Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A. Jeffrey Boswell is also Vice-President of Retech Systems, LLC. He has been Member of the Supervisory Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A. since April 29th 2009, and has held the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SECO/WARWICK S.A. since June 18th 2009.

Marcin Murawski secowarwick

Marcin Murawski

Supervisory Board Member

Holder of a college degree. Graduate of the University of Warsaw. A member of ACCA since 2000. A certified Chartered Accountant in the United Kingdom (ACCA Practicing Certificate); certified by KIBR (Polish Statutory Auditor No. 90053) and CIA (Certified Internal Auditor). From 1997 to 2005, Audit Department Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers. From November 2005 to November 2012, the Director of Internal Audit and Inspection Department at WARTA group and the Secretary of Audit Committees at TUIR WARTA S.A. and TUNŻ WARTA S.A.
A Chairman of the Audit Committee, who meets the statutory criterion of independence and has the knowledge of and skills in accounting and auditing.

Robert Jasiński Członek Rady Nadzorczej

Robert Jasiński


He graduated from renowned European economic universities. He holds the international ACCA certificate and the British CGMA certificate. He has been a CIMA Fellow since 2018.
He was engaged with UNI-Net as the Finance Director and a member of the Management Board from 1996-2001. Then, he was the Finance Director at Netia, the General Director at UNI-Net as well as the Director for Integration of Acquired Assets at EI-Net (2001-2005).
He held the position of the Group’s Controlling and Technology Director and the CTO advisor at Telekomunikacja Polska from 2006 to 2008. He cooperated with PKN Orlen from 2008 to 2018 where he was the Executive Director for Business Controlling, member of the Management Board for Orlen LIETUVA restructuring, member of the Management Board of Orlen Finance and Orlen Capital, Vice President of the Supervisory Boards at: Orlen DEUTSCHLAND, Anwil, Orlen UPSTREAM, member of the Supervisory Board / Audit Committee at UNIPETROL. He was a member of the Management Board of TRACK TEC S.A. From 2019 to 2020.

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