Currently, there are 20 vacuum furnaces in the shop at various stages of production.

8 of the projects concern the production of Vector furnaces – standard single-chamber vacuum furnaces while 5 projects concern CaseMaster Evolution type of furnaces for carburizing. They are equipped with PreNitLPC ® by FineCarb ® technology. Other devices are “tailor-made”, designed to meet all customer requirements.
The SECO/WARWICK Group and its five business segments (BS) produce vacuum furnaces (BS VAC), atmosphere furnaces (BS ATM), controlled atmosphere aluminum brazing furnaces (BS CAB), aluminum process furnaces (BS AP) and vacuum metallurgy equipment Retech (BS VME) in its manufacturing sites in Poland (SECO/WARWICK Europe S.A.), the United States of America (SECO/WARWICK Corp. + RETECH Systems LLC), India (SECO/WARWICK Allied Ltd.) and China (SECO/WARWICK RETECH Mfg. (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.). Sales, service & spare parts offices in Germany (SECO/WARWICK Services GmbH) and Russia (SECO/WARWICK Russia) complete the worldwide customer care network.
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