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SECO/WARWICK anniversary reflection


The company’s next anniversary is an opportunity for reflection and summaries. Therefore, we are looking at the achievements of the SECO/WARWICK Group in the first half of 2020.

SECO/WARWICK anniversary reflection

“SECO/WARWICK Group, with sister companies and brands: SECO/VACUUM TECHNOLOGY (SVT) and Retech, is one of the 5 largest creators and manufacturers of metal heat treatment and vacuum metallurgy equipment in the world. In the face of the global market situation, where each of the business entities looks at its future, we look back to appreciate what is today and to see the future in a better perspective. It is particularly important in the face of implementing the new Group strategy and the vision of being the first-choice company,” says Sławomir Woźniak, CEO of the SECO/WARWICK Group.

To be the first-choice company, in addition to possessing a portfolio of great and proven products, references and relationships, the company’s financial condition equally is important. In 2019, the Group generated PLN 451.5 million of sales revenue, while operating profit for this period was PLN 22.9 million, and net profit of PLN 15.3 million.

“The results generated and the rich portfolio of contracts, both completed and newly signed, are the result of very good relationships with business partners, proven and recognized technologies in the world, and consistency in building our own strong brand,” adds S. Woźniak.

Three strong pillars of the SECO/WARWICK Group: Asia, America, Europe

The SECO/WARWICK Group includes the Chinese branch of SECO/WARWICK, which this year celebrated its 10th anniversary. Today, the Asian branch has 20 times higher revenues, 6 times more people employed and a much stronger technological basis than 10 years ago. In 2020 the Chinese company has become the undisputed leader of CAB systems in this market – furnaces for aluminum brazing in a controlled atmosphere.

The Indian company of the SECO/WARWICK Group is revolutionizing its market thanks to the CaseMaster Evolution (CMe®) furnace line. Subsequent implementations of furnaces with this technology, especially in the three-chamber CMe-T version, have increased the capabilities of the Indian entrepreneurs in the automotive, tooling and commercial heat treatment market, providing not only greater efficiency but also giving recipients a significant competitive advantage.

North America is the area of ​​operation where three companies and brands of the Group conduct business, i.e., SVT, Retech and SECO/WARWICK. The first of them sold as many as 4 vacuum furnaces in the Vector line in only the first two months of the year. This is the most popular product of the vacuum segment among manufacturers of aircraft chassis, tools and dies for extruding aluminum or dental implants. Retech not only changed its location to the East Coast and engineering facilities at Buffalo, but also became a supplier of metallurgical solutions for melting titanium for the California plant of Perryman Company.

On the European heat treatment market, SECO/WARWICK turned out to be the first-choice company for commercial heat treaters such as: Hauck, Hart-Tech and Kuczma with the largest furnace with an all-metal heating chamber and also the largest device of this type in use in the Benelux region. While mentioning best and largest we need to mention that Belaz – the manufacturer of the largest dump trucks in the world – has again become the recipient of SECO/WARWICK atmospheric solutions for heat treatment of large-size bearing rings.

Despite the differences in the specializations of companies belonging to the SECO/WARWICK Group, the different needs of clients and dominant industries in different regions of the world, all of the Group’s units expanded their client portfolio, gained new orders, implemented new solutions and systematically strengthened their position as leaders in the global technology market of heat treatment.

Demanding specialization

2020 marks a year of solutions for commercial heat treaters. Well-known hardening networks expanded their portfolio of SECO/WARWICK furnaces by ordering additional devices and systems. In each case, these were custom solutions designed according to individual needs, which has always been a strength of the Group. Tested solutions and known references are important; however, many customers need and expect modifications today and this is a unique feature that the Group provides. The individual approach, in technology, relationship and product is well based in SECO/WARWICK DNA,” adds Maciej Korecki, VP, Vacuum Segment, SECO/WARWICK Group.

The specificity of the industry is to place high demands on heat treatment equipment – its versatility, reliability, high-quality process parameters, safety, economy and durability. Hence, the products offered are, by necessity, largely non-standard and custom made, requiring enormous engineering and construction knowledge.

High IQ

As Albert Einstein said, we can’t solve problems using the same thought pattern we used when they appeared… We totally agree, but we know that we can solve everyday problems of metal heat treatment, thanks to a modern and attractive alternative to traditional methods. The industry required a cleaner, faster and, above all, more effective carburizing method, and so a new furnace was designed primarily for carburizing processes at elevated temperatures and quenching. This solution – a Super IQ® hybrid system combining the features of a conventional and vacuum furnace in one – is being tested by one of the company’s American commercial heat treat customers.

As the American market experts claim, the Super IQ solution perfectly meets the need for innovation and technological reliability on the heat treatment market in this region of the world. Both commercial heat treaters and producers with in-house thermal solutions expect technology that will allow them to achieve greater flexibility and versatility of production processes using one device. Super IQ begins its practical expansion on the US market with implementation in one of the large commercial heat treatment plants in North America.

Birthday wish of SECO/WARWICK Group

The first half of 2020 was a time of implementation and product technological work, as well as adaptations to current changes in our own environment as well as our clients’. And what are our birthday wishes? A good future matching our vision, the possibility of achieving objectives, further interesting implementations and a good backlog of orders. If we were to relate to the current situation, “We wish that health, patience and faith – embracing the world at large — will return to normal”, concludes S. Woźniak.



 furnaces for global aerospace manufacturer

2 SECO/WARWICK furnaces for global aerospace manufacturer

 20x more in 10 years SECO/WARWICK China

20x more in 10 years – this could happen only in SECO/WARWICK China

 sales hit for vacuum furnaces

SECO/VACUUM Starts Off 2020 With A Vector Bang


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