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Heat & Surface Treatment B.V. Eindhoven, the Netherlands with SECO/WARWICK solutions


SECO/WARWICK delivered two retort vacuum tempering furnaces for high vacuum treatment to H&ST Eindhoven in the Netherlands. It’s a first order for this client and also the first thermal SECO/WARWICK solution in this market.

Heat & Surface Treatment B.V. Eindhoven, the Netherlands with SECO/WARWICK solutions

New furnaces have been ordered to develop the company’s machine park and increase production capacity – not replace old ones. They are to give more efficiency in high temperatures but the main focus is on brightness of the parts after annealing/tempering. The solution will exceed parameters of the process in furnaces based on Nitrogen, Argon or forming gas. The main goal is to reduce cost and increase capacity and quality of treated parts.

“We are thrilled to have found a solution that matches our specific requirement which is brightness of the parts after annealing/tempering in combination with efficiency and cost-reduction. We’ve been looking for a partner with extensive experience in heat treatment technologies and we are happy to begin our collaboration with SECO/WARWICK,” says Bjorn Verhage, Manager Production and Engineering of Heat &Surface Treatment B.V. Eindhoven.

These are the first products delivered to the Alberts Industries Group (Hauck, TTI, SGI, Stahlservice, etc.) which is an important client in SECO/WARWICK portfolio for two reasons. It utilizes heat treatment technologies and it has a lot of companies affiliated with the group.

“We are happy to deliver the solution that answers our client’s needs. Alberts Industries haven’t used such technology in their operations so we are not only introducing a new product but a new way of thinking about effective heat treatment solutions”, added Georg Cluse, Managing Director of SECO/WARWICK Germany.

SECO/WARWICK retort vacuum tempering furnaces come with full control of the process parameters displayed on LCD screen as well as with separate system for maintenance reminders and parts’ parameters control. The furnaces can be connected to the internal network and all the processes can be controlled online. There are also hard disks that record all the data of every process of the furnace.

“This solution comes along with a new development of Western Europe market. We have started a process of planting sales and service offices around Europe to ensure quick response time and continuous maintenance for our customers and products,” summarized Katarzyna Sawka, Global Marketing Director of SECO/WARWICK Group.

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