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Local Company, Employees Donate Hundreds to Local Charity


The Meadville Soup Kitchen received over $700.00 from Meadville-based SECO/WARWICK Corporation.

Presenting two checks on behalf of SECO/WARWICK Corporation was Jason Ackerman, CFO & COO of the company. “We initially had planned to donate only $200.00 directly from the company, but then we decided to open it up to our generous and hardworking employees and they came through with an additional $500.00 on their own,” stated Ackerman.

The initial $200.00 was the result of an annual Customer Satisfaction Survey. The company sent out over 150 emails asking current customers to respond to a survey. In order to increase the number of survey responses, the company promised to pay a local food bank $10.00 for every response. 20 responses came back. Based on those 20 responses, the company chose the Meadville Soup Kitchen as their local food bank and cut a check for $200.00.

Company management then decided to open it up for employee donations and a large number of civic-minded employees seized the opportunity to help out a local, long-standing organization and made donations of just over $500.00

SECOWARWICK Local Charity Donation

Jason Ackerman, COO/CFO of SECO/WARWICK holds a $500.00 check from employees while Beverly Nutter of The Meadville Soup Kitchen holds a $200.00 check from the company.

Beverly Nutter from Meadville’s Soup Kitchen visited the company on March 7 to receive two checks: one from the company and one from the employees. The Soup Kitchen meets in the Stone United Methodist Church on the Diamond in Meadville and is supported by a large number of volunteers who come from a variety of local churches as well as some students from Allegheny College. Operating largely by the donations of the community, the Soup Kitchen works closely with Valesky’s to purchase food for those in need. Mrs Nutter said that donation from SECO/WARWICK was greatly appreciated and would go to cover food and other administrative expenses incurred by the Soup Kitchen.


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