Your browser does not support JavaScript! Retech Systems LLC, a SECO/WARWICK Group Company to exhibit in Paris, France at Titanium Europe 2016 and the 14th World Conference in Investment Castings this April

Retech Systems LLC, a SECO/WARWICK Group Company to exhibit in Paris, France at Titanium Europe 2016 and the 14th World Conference in Investment Castings this April


Retech Systems LLC in conjunction with SECO/WARWICK Europe will display their fully integrated line of premium vacuum metallurgical equipment concurrently the week of April 17 through the 20th at two upcoming conferences, Titanium Europe 2016, and the 14th World Conference in Investment Casting in Paris France.

Retech Systems LLC, a SECO/WARWICK Group Company to exhibit in Paris, France at Titanium Europe 2016 and the 14th World Conference in Investment Castings this April

“Retech Systems is the global leader in vacuum metallurgical systems both in their diverse product portfolio and number of installations, particularly in the United States” according to Wojciech Modrzyk, SECO/WARWICK Group Executive VP, “we are pleased to have our technical team in Paris for these two important events to answer questions and display our advanced technology.”  Visit the Retech Systems stand at each of these important events:

14th World Conference in Investment Castings (EICF), 17-20 April, #Z1, Stand 9, Palais des Congres

Retech Systems will display their technology, material and process development capabilities in Vacuum Metallurgical Processing Systems.  The technology team will be available to answer questions on these leading technologies:

  • Cold Wall Induction (CWI) & Vacuum Induction Melting (VIM) Casting Systems easily handle a wide range of materials used in everything from automotive & consumer products to critical, high-value equiax, directionally solidified, or single-crystal, aerospace parts.
  • VAR Consumable Casting Systems for the manufacture of aerospace, consumer and commercial products.
  • Plasma Arc & Electron Beam Casting Systems for the production of ingots, electrodes and individual parts.

Titanium Europe 2016, 18-20 April, Stand 24, Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel and Conference Center

The Retech Systems experts will present their signature process technologies for melting, refining and casting of Titanium & Titanium alloys including:

  • Cold Wall Induction (CWI) Melting Systems for casting Titanium parts for demanding applications.
  • Atomization Systems for Titanium & Titanium Alloy powder production.
  • Vacuum Arc Remelt (VAR) Systems for casting & ingot production.
  • Plasma (PAM) & Electron Beam (EB) Hearth Melting Systems are capable of producing a wide range of

products in varying sizes

See where


Retech Systems LLC, a SECO/WARWICK Company, Paris France


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