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SECO/WARWICK – Third-time leader – How the company creates the new industrial era


Innovation Leader award went to SECO/WARWICK for the third time. The results of company’s work include numerous patented and award-winning technologies solving the problems of the heat-treatment industry. However, the company does not slow down and continues work on new, revolutionary projects.

Katarzyna Sawka odbiera nagrodę Lidera Innowacji dla Seco/Warwick

The “Business Leader” event is a prestigious competition. The jury gives awards to the companies distinguished by their transparency and business honesty with innovative successes as their trademarks. Selected companies are awarded the prestigious Innovation Leader title, and SECO/WARWICK received one.

On the 28th October, at the solemn gala, Katarzyna Sawka, Global Group Marketing Director SECO/WARWICK, received the Innovation Leader Award on behalf of the company. She said: “We are proud of the solutions created by SECO/WARWICK specialists. We do not stop long-term thinking and actions, which is the reason behind this drive towards new technologies in the Heat-treatment industry 4.0. Labels such as “leader”, “trendsetter” or “champion” were stuck to SECO/WARWICK around the world. Although it is a global opinion, we are happy that our company’s attempts are recognized even by juries. We believe it is important that this is SECO/WARWICK which creates such innovative solutions in the times of the Industry 4.0”.


The prefix “e” is common for the Internet world. However, SECO/WARWICK e-innovations are not a virtual creation, but and e-conomical and e-nvironmentally friendly approach to innovation. This attitude enables us to be a leader, both in business and in inventions.

Only this year, SECO/WARWICK has presented 2 innovations challenging the everyday problems of the metal heat-treatment: UCM® 4D Quench® and Super IQ®.

The UCM® 4D Quench® furnace is a modern alternative for press hardening and eliminates most of the dangers associated with the process. In turn the Super IQ® system guarantees savings and limiting gas emissions as far as possible.  “Our goal is to respond to the challenges faced by the customers from the very demanding industries.  We have studied what improvements in terms of equipment operation can be introduced to broaden the purposes for which the furnaces can be used so we can deliver products that bring maximum benefits.  This approach turned our premiere systems: UCM® 4D Quench® and Super IQ® into October’s hit during expositions in the USA and Europe” added Sławomir Woźniak, CEO, SECO/WARWICK Group.

SECO/WARWICK’s innovation predicts

Defining a new innovation is not easy. It is as difficult as predicting failures, but SECO/WARWICK faces this challenge. The company developed a solution predicting potential failures, which makes it possible to prevent production stoppages. We created SECO/PREDICTIVE®, a smart and fully proprietary monitoring and diagnostics systems for equipment, making it possible to detect failures even before they occur. After following global market trends related to the Industry 4.0, SECO/WARWICK, as one of the first industrial companies in the world, developed an application using the innovative technology of Augmented Reality (AR). SECO/LENS® enables diagnostics, ensures monitoring, makes it possible to supervise the production process or remote repair, and even suggests the most optimum layout of a production line in a facility.

Necessity is the mother of invention

Growing customers’ needs, market or environment standards result from the technological progress which dictates the pace of implementing innovations and achieving or maintaining the competitive advantage required research and development investments.

“Customers’ needs set new development paths – our research and development projects, laboratories, international scientific teams work on the solutions that would support our parters as efficiently as possible. We select or create new technologies, conduct computer simulations and tests and hand over a product which fits customers’ needs”, summarized S. Woźniak.



secowarwick innovation leader heat treatment services maintenance 4.0

Business Leader of Innovations 2018

SECO/WARWICK heat treatment furnaces

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