SECO/WARWICK Group will present technical papers at two prestigious European conferences in May: The European Conference on Heat Treatment 11-13 May (Prague, Czech Republic) and the 6th Bodycote AGA Heat Treatment Seminar 25-26 May (Stockholm, Sweden).

On May 12th , at the European Conference on Heat Treatment, and on May 25th at the Bodycote/AGA Heat Treatment Seminar, Mr. Korecki, VP Vacuum of the global Vacuum Product Group at SECO/WARWICK, will give a lecture on the UniCase Master entitled „UniCase Master® in-line, low-distortion, precision case hardening for the automotive, transmission & bearing industries.”Also at ECHT in Prague, another SECO/WARWICK invention will be presented – ZeroFlow® Nitriding. The ammonia only, single gas nitriding process will be presented by Professor Leszek Małdziński from the Institute of Work Machines and Vehicles of the Technical University in Poznan.
“SECO/WARWICK continues to develop technologies that challenge conventional methods by delivering precision quality work with optimum operational economy. We are pleased to present these two unique technologies are available exclusively through SECO/WARWICK Group’s world organization that provide our customers with solutions that enable them to earn maximum profits from their manufacturing processes,” explains Paweł Wyrzykowski, CEO SECO/WARWICK Group.
Featured Technology –UniCase Master® System, an In-Line, High-volume, Low-distortion, Precision Case Hardening for the Automotive, Transmission and Bearing Industry
Carburizing and quenching of steel gears provides the surface hardened teeth and flexible core necessary for a long-lasting gear. Heat treating, especially the quenching process, produces distortion. Distortion is most often corrected by the costly process of post-heat treat machining. The goal of every high-volume gear heat treating process is the elimination or reduction of distortion. The UniCase Master® system adjusts to the size and shape of the particular gear in order to minimize distortion and ensures ideal repeatability of results gear after gear. Learn more at
Featured Technology: ZeroFlow™ Nitriding Systems Achieve High Quality Results
ZeroFlow® is a process recently developed by SECO/WARWICK Group and the Institute of Work Machines and Vehicles of the Technical University in Poznan (Poland). The most important benefits relative to the process include precise control in creating a layer’s phase structure, thickness, and hardness; very low consumption of ammonia and emission of post-process gases to the environment. ZeroFlow® is a simple, less expensive method of regulation and monitoring the chemical composition of the nitriding atmosphere. Learn more at
Presenter biography – Maciej Korecki, VP Vacuum
Maciej Korecki became the Vice President of the global Vacuum Product Group in 2012. Dr. Korecki has authored numerous international patents on behalf of SECO/WARWICK, and regularly presents technical papers at international conferences on a variety of topics, specializing in vacuum furnace technology. He earned his Master of Electrical Engineering from University of Zielona Góra 1988, and completed his PhD from the Łódź University of Technology with his thesis on the theoretical and experimental methods of design for high pressure gas quench vacuum furnaces. He began his career at Elterma in 1988 as a service engineer for vacuum furnaces. He then joined SECO/WARWICK in 1991 as a Project Engineer on the Vacuum Team. He later served as Director of Research and Development from 2005-2009, leading the team that developed new technologies both in metallurgical applications and power management systems. He served as Director of the Vacuum Team in Europe from 2009-2011.
Presenter biography – Prof. nadzw. Dr. hab. Inz. Leszek Małdziński
Leszek Małdziński is a Professor at the Poznań University of Technology. He is also the project leader and scientific adviser at SECO/WARWICK Europe. He was previously employed as a scientist at the Delft Technical University, Netherlands. He was scientific adviser of Nitrex Metal Inc. at Montreal, Canada and Colmeng at Milan, Italy. He received his scientific degrees MSc, PhD and habilitation at the Poznań University of Technology. His area of interest is thermodynamics and kinetics of steel gas nitriding. The result of his work in this area are 50 publications. He developed the ZeroFlow method of nitriding which is characterized by several times less wear of technical gases (ammonia, nitrogen) and post-process gases emission into the atmosphere when compared with current methods. The ZeroFlow method has already been implemented in several industrial plants in Poland, England, the FRG, Pakistan, India and Singapore. At present, ZeroFlow runs in the Volvo plant in Sweden.
European Conference on Heat Treatment
Prague, Czech Republic
11-13 May 2016
6th Bodycote/AGA Heat Treatment Seminar
Stockholm, Sweden
25-26 May 2016