Search results for: zeroflow
Matches found: 94
Matches found: 94
Automotive supplier orders SECO/WARWICK’s nitrocarburizing furnace for new component line for major car maker
SECO/VACUUM, a SECO/WARWICK Group company, inks order for a high-volume nitrocarburizing line serving a major carmaker via a tier-one supplier.
2 years, 50 solutions and a multitude of satisfied customers
The youngest company in the SECO/WARWICK Group, SECO/VACUUM Technologies LLC (SVT) is an important addition to the global organization, servicing and offering solutions for both the heat treatment of metals in controlled atmospheres and vacuum technologies in the North American…
Increasing performance from vacuum furnace technology, made possible with Vector®
The SECO/WARWICK Group’s Vector® vacuum furnace line continues to meet customer needs and expectations for reliable deliveries and exceptional heat treating performance.
Innovations deserving of a medal: SECO/WARWICK awarded the honorary badge for meritorious performance in innovation
On the 26th of November 2018, SECO/WARWICK received the Honorary Badge for meritorious performance in the area of innovation.