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SECO/WARWICK Group U.S. Expansion Rewarded

SECO/WARWICK Group U.S. Expansion Rewarded

SECO/WARWICK, a Polish company with American roots, was awarded a prize at the “USA-Central Eastern Europe Investment Summit & Awards,” one of the key events summing up the economic partnership between the U.S. and the CEE region. The award for the…
Bolt manufacturer to get an ATE process line by SECO/WARWICK

Bolt manufacturer to get an ATE process line by SECO/WARWICK

SECO/WARWICK will provide the global bolt manufacturer — Solvera Gawel Technology S.A. — with a second ATE process line comprising an electrical mesh belt PTE furnace. The new line will be intended mostly for carbonitriding and hardening processes (under endothermic…
Reliable business is made possible by reliable people

Reliable business is made possible by reliable people

A global leader in metal heat treatment technology, SECO/WARWICK, has earned for the second time, the title of the Reliable Employer of the Year [Solidny Pracodawca Roku]. The award goes to the best employers in Poland. For this company from…
SECO/WARWICK to deliver a CAB line to the ReTeK factory in China

SECO/WARWICK to deliver a CAB line to the ReTeK factory in China

SECO/WARWICK, the unquestioned leader in the field of CAB technology, will deliver this solution to Suzhou Ruitaike Machinery (ReTeK), the Chinese manufacturer of parts for condensers and evaporators intended for refrigerators, freezers, 5G base station coolers and air-conditioners.
National mints opt for SECO/WARWICK furnace technology

National mints opt for SECO/WARWICK furnace technology

SECO/WARWICK will deliver a Vector® vacuum furnace to another national mint. The furnace will be delivered to the manufacturer of circulation and collection coins in Egypt, the first contract SECO/WARWICK has concluded in the country. The National Mint of Egypt…
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