Kuczma Commercial Heat Treater Chooses Vacuum Furnace by SECO/WARWICK
A top-tier Vector® vacuum furnace equipped with gas quenching from SECO/WARWICK will be used by a commercial heat treating plant. This time the Kuczma commercial heat treatment chose this state-of-the-art single-chamber vacuum furnace. Vector is the most popular vacuum…
SECO/VACUUM Starts Off 2020 With A Vector Bang
SECO/VACUUM Technologies (SVT), a SECO/WARWICK Group company begins 2020 with sales of 4 Vector® vacuum furnaces in the first two months of the year. Vector® is SECO/WARWICK’s most versatile vacuum furnace, a single chamber HPGQ model loaded with capabilities, and…
Last year, SECO/WARWICK conquered the heat treatment market with three vacuum technologies
One year, at least double the performance, four dimensions and three faces of vacuum technology – this is how SECO/WARWICK Group may summarize the previous year.
Two leaders and one goal – success in heat treatment!
SECO/WARWICK, a leading global manufacturer of heat treatment furnaces, and HAUCK Heat Treatment Group, supplier of high-quality heat treatment services, have been working together on expanding operations in Benelux region.
Rex Heat Treatment Purchases Vector® Vacuum Furnace Enhance Heat Treating Capabilities
Rex Heat Treatment has purchased a 15 Bar Vector® vacuum furnace from SECO/VACUUM Technologies for their commercial heat treating facility located in Lansdale, Pennsylvania.