Your browser does not support JavaScript! CaseMaster Evolution Vacuum Furnace Systems with oil and gas quench


Unique technology uses high temperature and low pressure carburizing to replace conventional sealed quench furnaces by achieving shorter cycle times and higher production rates

The CaseMaster Evolution has been designed using state of the art construction, with processing chamber & loading vestibule, incorporating a quench tank. Cooling may be carried out in two ways: under neutral gas or in hardening oil. Durable graphite insulation and heating elements provide long, reliable service in this heavy-duty furnace designed for industrial applications. The convection heating system ensures rapid and uniform heating of the load at low temperatures also, which shortens the heat-up time. The high efficiency oil agitation system ensures excellent oil penetration through the workload which results in uniform and fast charge cooling. The gas system, pump system, power supply and cooling systems are generously sized to enable a wide range of industrial heat treatment implementations.


CaseMaster Evolution furnaces equipped in PreNitLPC® by FineCarb® LPC achieve high production rates with shorter cycle times when compared to controlled-atmosphere furnaces: / Short charge transport time within the furnace (fast opening & closing of internal door) / New design of an oil circulation system enabling max. uniformity & rate of cooling / Very low consumption of processing mediums / Process simulators (carburizing & quenching) & fully automated processing / Nominal temperature up to 1320°C / Convection heating up to 800°C / Temperature uniformity ±5°C in the heating chamber Sketch of a two- and three-chamber vacuum furnace from SECO/WARWICK D type – double chamber for batch (In & Out) work processing Oil quench or 1.5 bar (positive pressure) gas pre-cooling T type – triple chamber for continuous work flow with a separate chamber dedicated separately for: / Pre-heating, pre-oxidation / Pre-heating with pre-nitriding acc. to PreNitLPC® technology / High Pressure Gas Quenching N2/Ar  

Efficiency & Quality

/ Increased efficiency because of shorter carburizing cycle times as a result of very high carbon transition into the workload & high dissociation rate in the pertinent temperature ranges of up to 1050°C / Greater results repeatability in terms of parts and workloads / No intergranular oxidation because of oxygen-free atmosphere

Environment Impact

/ No CO/CO2 emission / Lack of an atmosphere to utilize / No additional, energy consumable equipment i.e.: Endothermic generator / No need of plant ventilation & air conditioning – less heat losses

Health & Safety

/ No open fire – no exhaust hoods / Clean, non-toxic work environment / Workplace safety improvement due to lack of flammable process gases / Easy & intuitive process control / Visual display of the process parameters / No furnace idling periods, quick start up & shut off of the furnace / No special “furnace shutting down” procedures – Just Shut & Go / Process flexibility

 Test Results:  Atmosphere Quench vs CaseMaster Evolution

Material:16MnCr5; netto 400 kg charge; 30 days; 3 shifts; Total proces – carburizing & oil quenching.
Effective Case Depth [mm]
0,6 0,9 1,2
Charge: 600x600x900 [mm] Temperature [°C] Total Proces Time [min]
Sealed Quench Controlled-Atmosphere carburizing at 935 359 455 600
No of processes / month 120 95 72
CaseMaster Evolution D9 PreNitLPC carburizing at 1030 260 299 353
No of processes / month 166 144 122
CaseMaster Evolution T9 PreNitLPC carburizing at 1030 143 179 233
No of processes / month 306 240 185
Efficiency increase referring to CMe D9 84% 66% 51%
Efficiency increase referring to Sealed Quench 155% 153% 156%

Tab. 1 Efficiency increase depending on the furnace type (conventional Sealed Quench, CaseMaster Evolution D – double chamber & T – triple with pre-heating chamber) and applied carburizing technology (Controlled-Atmosphere, PreNitLPC®) for the most typical case depth.

Fig. 1 Capacity increase in comparison of furnace type: (two chamber Sealed Quench furnace, two chamber CMe D type furnace and three chamber CMe T type furnace; for the typical heat treatment process of 16MnCr5 steel when carburized for 0,6 mm ECD) and applied technology (Control-Atmosphere & PreNitLPC).



  / High-temperature (up to 1050°C) carburizing (PreNitLPC®) for common case hardening steels with oil or gas quench / Low pressure carburizing (FineCarb®) with oil or gas quench / Hardening with oil quench / Carbonitriding with oil quench / Annealing with gas pre-cooling / Tempering

Applicable for heat processing requiring

/ high-speed & economical process performance / high quality parts following heat treatment

Main technical data for standard applications

Type Size H [mm] W [mm] L [mm] Charge [kg] Power [kW]
D/T 6 400 400 600 200 70
D/T 9 600 600 900 600 150
D/T 12 900 800 1200 1200 240
D/T 15 1000 1000 1500 2000 340

Customized version can be produced to the furnace dimensions requested by customer.


 CaseMaster Evolution

Advanced technology uses high temperature and low pressure carburizing to replace conventional sealed quench furnaces by achieving shorter cycle times and higher production rates

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