Your browser does not support JavaScript! Vacuum furnace with Low Pressure Carburizing FineCarb® was delivered to commercial heat treatment company GALVAMET (Czech Republic)

Vacuum furnace with Low Pressure Carburizing FineCarb® was delivered to commercial heat treatment company GALVAMET (Czech Republic)


SECO/WARWICK has supplied to commercial heat treatment company GALVAMET from Czech Republic the universal vacuum furnace HPGQ (Vector) model 15.0VPT-4035/36IQN with graphite heat chamber insulation.

Vacuum furnace with Low Pressure Carburizing

The furnace with working zone size 600x600x900mm is featuring high pressure gas quench at 15 bar abs. It is equipped with vacuum carburizing technology FineCarb® and PreNit®. The furnace provides for the following heat treatment technologies: annealing, tempering, vacuum carburizing (LPC) and nitriding (LPN). The furnace has been put into operation in May 2013.


About GALVAMET spol. s ro.

The hardening plant at GALVAMET spol. s r.o. has a team of eminent experts specialized in metallographic structures evaluation. We measure hardness based on Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers methodologies. The laboratory is operated on a 24-hour basis and provides its services to all processing departments.

The Company collaborate with specialized departments of the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, SIMD labs (Structural Integrity & Materials Design) in the area of material engineering, fracture characteristics at the Material Engineering Faculty.

Quality inspection of jobs in progress is a standard component of GALVAMET Company culture.


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XXIV Seminarium Szkoleniowe SECO/WARWICK