Your browser does not support JavaScript! Building "branded" and visit of the board - SECO/WARWICK do Brasil Ltda.

Building "branded" and visit of the board – SECO/WARWICK do Brasil Ltda.


The Brazilian entity of SECO/WARWICK received a visit of the Group board and a new logo at the building – the integration process of the furnace manufacturer ENGEFOR is a success

Building "branded" and visit of the board – SECO/WARWICK do Brasil Ltda.

The new brand tag arrived and was installed after the town hall approvals for the „branding” of the building. This new sign and the booked orders for technologies that have not been part of the product range of the old company are obvious proofs that SECO/WARWICK has arrived as the first international furnace manufacturer in Brazil.


New logo at the building (SECO/WARWICK do Brasil plant in Jundiai, SP)

Begin of March 2014 the Group board visited SECO/WARWICK do Brasil for a business review, customer meetings and a fair visit. The integration process of the furnace manufacturer ENGEFOR started in June 2013 with the purchase of 100% of the shares from the owners. After a lot of changes, technology transfer, training and new customs for the employees in Brazil and viceversa of all entities in the Group the first common successes in the market did not come unexpected. A new strong team amongst strong SECO/WARWICK teams worlwide!


  Pawel Wyrzykowski (Group CEO, right) and Wojciech Modrzyk (Group Executive Director Sales and Marketing) on their arrival at the plant

The managing director Thomas Kreuzaler is supported by the former owners Aparicio V. Freitas (Sales Director) and Yassuhiro Sassaqui (Industrial Director): The SECO/WARWICK board was satisfied with the actions and plans of the management in Brazil and continues to support the sustainable development of the entity. The old owners still work in the company and contributed a lot to the seamless transition from ENGEFOR to SECO/WARWICK do Brasil.

image4Visit at Tecnotempera, Guaramirim/SC (one of the owners, Vitor Luiz, with Pawel & Wojciech)

SECO/WARWICK do Brasil was able to introduce, sell and produce the first SECO/WARWICK technology products on the Brazilian market. The customer response and the numbers of inquiries from South America create a bright outlook for the future of the company, though the situation of the Brazilian economy is difficult in this year of the football Worldcup.


Fair visit in Joinville (7ª Feira Ferramentaria, Modelação e Usinagem (FMU))
on the booth of Tecnotempera/Nitrion -right to left:
Thomas Kreuzaler (Managing Director SECO/WARWICK do Brasil), Pawel Wyrzykowski (Group CEO), Sales Executives of Tecnotempera  (Priscilla, Amaro, Vitor)


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