Your browser does not support JavaScript! Cooperation of Expanite® + SECO/WARWICK opened Expanite’s Danish treatment center on May 2nd 2013

Cooperation of Expanite® + SECO/WARWICK opened Expanite’s Danish treatment center on May 2nd 2013


Expanite® the specialist for stainless steel surface treatment, together with SECO/WARWICK, the premier heat treatment furnace manufacturer, implemented a full industrial scale operation of SECO/WARWICK’s EXPANITE® process equipment for stainless steel surface hardening and properties improvement

Cooperation of Expanite® + SECO/WARWICK opened Expanite’s Danish treatment center on May 2nd  2013

The two companies decided to join forces in implementing an industrial scale application center and showroom, since the response in the industry regarding application of Expanite’s processes required serial testing and pilot production. In a partnership development, SECO/WARWICK designed and delivered equipment especially to the requirement of these processes and adapted for the multipurpose use for other heat treatment processes, too. The showroom is open to the public on request.

The SECO/WARWICK equipment in the installation, consists of a high temperature vacuum furnace type 15.0VPT-4022/24S with a working space of 400x400x600 mm and 15 bar high pressure gas quenching as well as a low temperature horizontal retort furnace type HR-Expanite-6x6x9 with a working space of 600x900x600 mm and the specific gas supply and sophisticated control for the Expanite® processes.

The Expanite process family consists of

A high-temperature solution-nitriding process pushing nitrogen deep into the bulk material. This re-establishes the core hardness of the material, creating a unique load-bearing capacity and corrosion resistance second-to-none.

A low-temperature surface-hardening process, by which a double hardened zone containing and carbon is established. Nitrogen adds increased surface hardness while carbon bridges the gap to the softer core.

By combining the Expanite®High-T and Expanite®Low-T processes you get a previously unseen surface hardness founded on top of a bulk material, which has very strong load-bearing capacity. Superior corrosion, wear and fatigue properties is the outcome.

With the new equipment Expanite is able to process parts up to 600x600x900 mm in Low-T and 400x400x600 mm in High-T and SuperExpanite® processes. All potential and interested customers are invited to contact Expanite or SECO/WARWICK regarding test runs and trials.


At the Stainless Steel 2013 (left to right): Thomas Strabo (CTO Expanite®), Thomas Kreuzaler (Sales & Marketing SECO/WARWICK), Thomas Sandholdt (CEO Expanite®).

The new processes and the stainless steel treatment center have been introduced recently at the Stainless Steel 2013 fair in Brno (Czech Republic) by a presentation given by Thomas Strabo. In a joint booth at the exhibition many interested customers had the chance to discuss with both Expanite and SECO/WARWICK about the advantages and possible applications for industrial, medical and deco parts.

On October 4th 2013 Expanite® and SECO/WARWICK are planning to have a seminar dedicated to stainless steel surface treatment in the facility near Copenhagen/DK for selected customers and interested parties.


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