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Global technological giant of Świebodzin in ZSEiS


The companies, especially of the new technology sector, reach such places wherein future employees may be acquired, but SECO/WARWICK – a world giant for the thermal treatment technology, goes a step further, entering a more close cooperation with high schools and, in a more detail, with the Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych i Samochodowych w Zielonej Górze (The Electronic and Automotive Technical School Complex in Zielona Góra (ZSEiS)).

Global technological giant of Świebodzin in ZSEiS

SECO/WARWICK cooperates regularly with many academia, not only of Zielona Góra but also from the whole Poland and the world. Since the last year, the company have extended their activities of the high technical schools and grammar schools. All this has been done to educate ‘the SECO generation’.

At the beginning of 2016, and, in a more detail,  on 13-th January, an agreement  concerning the cooperation with ZSEiS was signed, a today,  during the open days of the school, i.e. on  26-th April, the establishment of the SECO/WARWICK patron class is announced.

Already from September, in the Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych i Samochodowych w Zielonej Górze (The Electronic and Automotive Technical School Complex in Zielona Góra (ZSEiS)) , a SECO/WARWICK will be established, under the name of SECO/CLASS. The students of exactly this class will have a chance to acquaint with the problems of the programming domain, under an eye of specialists, since a modern PLC laboratory will be established in the school,  within the framework of the cooperation. The patron class is, therefore, a combination of the practice and the theory; thus, the students will be provided with a possibility of being educated in their actual working environment.

„SECO/WARWICK is the first firm that noticed the potential of the young people, our young people; hence, we are so much happy of this common project – the project of the patron class.  The SECO/CLASS project, since that is its name, will make it possible the flexible education in the dynamically variable reality. For this, we are grateful to the company” says Ms. Sylwia Żyburt-Wasilewska, the Vice-Director for ZSEiS professional examination coordination.

The cooperation of the SECO/WARWICK  company will happen in the following areas:

  • Development of the rules and conditions for the didactic and substantial support of the school in order that the ZSEiS educational programme is made more attractive and better matched to the future employer requirements
  • Organisation of traineeships for ZSEiS students
  • Conduction of common projects and research / development studies.

„The SECO generation is a notion used in connection with our educational programme. It is so because we want to show the vision of the technological conquering of the world to the young people, to activate their imagination, their motivation for learning and, in the future, their work for us. This is a long-term, continuos investment of  SECO/WARWICK, without which,  the successive development stage is impossible ”, explains Ms Katarzyna Sawka, the Marketing Director of the SECO/WARWICK Group.

„The activity of SECO/WARWICK  within this issue and the cooperation with educational entities is one of the components of the long-term investment and strategy of the firm. People mean a capital while young people – a potential due to which we can build the future” adds Mr  Bartosz Klinowski, the President of SECO/WARWICK Europe.

SECO/WARWICK owe their strength to capable engineers for which they provide excellent research / development conditions so that the engineers may create, test, analyse and launch into the market their inventions. The Świebodzin enterprise fully contradicts the opinion that the Polish people can’t cooperate with the world of science and are not eager for it. SECO/WARWICK cooperate with universities of  technology, technical universities, research centres and institutions around the world, in the West Europe , China as well as the whole Asia. They realise actively the programmes of cooperation with the Łódź and Poznań University of Technology, The Electronic Material Technology Institute in Warsaw, The Central South University in China as well as the National Research Saratov State University in Russia. Therefore, nothing is strange in that

SECO/WARWICK, in the ranking of the „Rzeczpospolita” newspaper, have been located in the first ten innovation leaders and, in the Lubuskie Province innovative firm ranking have got the first  place. „The current level of the SECO/WARWICK technical thought is a sum of experiences of all firms of the Group, their uninterrupted, creative development during many years, but also of investing in new generations” summarises Mr B. Klinowski.

Additional information:

Press info about the SECO generation programmme

The PLC controller

About ZSEiS

In 2002, with the decision of Rada Miasta Zielona Góra (The Zielona Góra City Council), two technical schools acting for many years were merged and, due to that, the  Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych i Samochodowych (The Electronic and Automotive Technical School Complex) was established. The school, in its today form, have existed for 14 years, but its history, connected with the activity of the entities contributing to it, reach the middle forties of the previous century.  Currently, ZSEiS  educates in such professions as: electronic technician, automobile vehicle technicians, informatics technicians, mechatronic technician, sustainable power industry device and system technician, as well as automobile vehicle electro-mechanic and mechanic.

In the ranking of high  technical schools — PERSPEKTYWY 2014 (201`4 PERSPECTIVES — ZSEiS won the golden badge (The I-st place in Poland  — mechatronic technician, the 8-th place – automobile vehicle technician) and, in the years 2015 and 2016, The Complex won the golden badge.


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