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OTI and the Minister of Economy nominate SECO/WARWICK


The Office of Technical Inspection together with the Minister of Economy Janusz Piechociński have given SECO/WARWICK Europe Sp. z o.o. a nomination for the award of Safety Leader 2015 for exceptional technical safety standards and contribution to the development of the Polish economy. Conclusion of the contest will take place on the 30th of November.

OTI and the Minister of Economy nominate SECO/WARWICK

The nomination for the Safety Leader award was given to the Management Chairman of SECO/WARWICK Europe Sp. z o.o. Bartosz Klinowski by the head of the Office of Technical Inspection, Mieczysław Borowski during the 24th of September meeting at the company’s office in Świebodzin. Among the evaluation criteria were the following issues – process safety, quality management, personnel competence, certification, accreditation, cooperation with the OTI and activity in the area of safety outside the OTI. The nomination was in the “manufacturer” category.

“At SECO/WARWICK safety is an essential element of conducting business”, says Management Chairman Bartosz Klinowski. “Our global motto of Invention Meets Reliability means, that all of the operations conducted at the company and products which reach our customers must ensure continuity of operation. Safety of employees and production processes is a key element of this”, explains the Chairman of SECO/WARWICK.

“The Technical Safety Leader is an initiative of the OTI covered by the patronage of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy Janusz Piechociński, honoring companies which stand out on a nationwide scale with their high technical safety standards and contribution into the development of the Polish economy. We are happy to receive this distinction, as it recognizes the actions of the SECO/WARWICK company in terms of caring for the safety of people, environment and technology”, adds Katarzyna Sawka, Global Marketing Director at  SECO/WARWICK Group.

The Jury of the Technical Safety Leader ranking evaluates companies that deal with the design, manufacture, installation, exploitation, repair and modernization of technical equipment. The companies are nominated in three categories: “manufacturer”, “user” and “modernizer”. Companies that advance to the finals are those, who have received the highest marks in all criteria of the ranking. This year from thousands of companies in the entire country 300 were chosen, which clearly invest in safety. A more thorough analysis according to the contest’s criteria made it possible to ultimately determine 30 nominated companies, which will compete in the forefront. It is from those companies that the winners in three categories will be chosen.

The official announcement of laureates of the ranking and awarding of the Technical Safety Leader statuette takes place during the annual OTI conference “Science, technology, economy – experiences and development perspectives”.

The SECO/WARWICK Group is the leading global manufacturer of furnaces and equipment for the heat treatment of metals. Thanks to the company’s innovativeness, its products have for many years now provided a competitive edge to its customers in terms of manufacturing processes. The company has production facilities in Poland, Germany, the USA, Brasil, India and China.

The company carries out its mission through long-term presence on the most important global metallurgy markets, cooperation with global leaders of modern branches of industry, well-developed internal research and development works combined with long-term cooperation with leading research and development and academic centers in Poland, the USA, China and Denmark, as well as a high level of competence and continued professional development of employees.

Increasingly safer in Poland

As the OTI reports – there is a constant increase in the number of devices covered by technical supervision in Poland. In the year 1999 that number was nearly 600 thousand under full and limited supervision, by the end of 2005 – nearly 840 thousand, and in March 2011 that number exceeded 1.000.000. There is a decrease in the number of accidents and their frequency ratio; percentage-wise – there is a reduction in the malfunction rate of the equipment, however improper use and operating errors still remain the most important, primary cause of accidents and damage.


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