SECO/WARWICK to supply a furnace for one of the largest research networks in Europe
Łukasiewicz – the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, a member of the Łukasiewicz Research Network, selected SECO/WARWICK as the supplier of a VIM vacuum furnace for melting metals and metal alloys on a laboratory scale as a result of a tender…
Satisfied Customer Awards Retech the Highest Complement: Repeat Business
Retech, a division of SECO/WARWICK Group, has been awarded the third contract in as many years from a returning partner. The North America-based company ordered a Four-Gun Electron Beam Hearth Melting Furnace.
SECO/WARWICK USA To Begin Fabrication of Aluminum Reverb Furnace for Aluminum Extrusion Plant
A major multinational aluminum producer has finalized an order for a new 100,000 lb. capacity tilt melting aluminum furnace for one of its regional aluminum extrusion plants. SECO/WARWICK USA will fabricate the Aluminum Reverb Furnace in Pennsylvania. Several innovative features…